e's Ventilation Terminal


Tuesday, January 31, 2006

T.V. is Dying

After being taken over by the big surplus in vidcasts, podcasts, iTunes selling t.v. shows and much more, I'm totally convinced that normal television broadcasting as we know it is handing in the towel. Just think, (and I've formulated this opinion by listening to other people talk; I believe this is how most people get their opinions) that if companies, like NBC for example, broadcast all their shows on the Internet instead of normal t.v., the ratings would be even higher than they are today.

In today's television world, the major broadcasting companies make about 1/20 of a cent for each viewer watching their specific program. Now due to Apple's iTunes, people are willing to pay 2 bucks to keep a video. This has raised the amount of viewers of the actual programing and gives the company a profit for each download. Remember, you can still tape shows off of t.v with a standard recording device at no cost. These companies could decide to put all the shows out for free on the Internet (like broadcasting today) and make a smaller profit but on an ENORMOUS amount of viewers.

I think this is where we could be going. Could be wrong; sources could be wrong. I was struck by this idea and felt that I wanted to share with all my friends on the Internet. I'm sure you all care. Are you sure you care?!

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