e's Ventilation Terminal


Friday, February 17, 2006

The future of body armor

Instead of posting on what I previously decided I would (I still will; give me time!), I decided to stick to the topic of the bizarre and arcane. I go through phases with this topic. Sometimes I find it very intriguing, other times it is a waste of time. How to interpret the off-beat nature of all this is beyond me. Tell me what you think.

from: SILKMILK MagiZain (http://www.crossroads.wild.net.au/silkmilk.htm

In 2002 scientists found that by isolating the web-spinning gene from spiders and injecting it into the DNA of goats they would produce a super-strong SilK-MilK. They have been trying to work out how to farm spiders for years as their webs are 5 times stronger than steel (relative to density), but had no luck because of the cannibalistic nature of spiders in large groups. They aim to produce bullet-proof vests with the silkmilk. But why should the Military have exclusive rights to such a brilliantly surreal concept?

Therefore we are hijacking the concept for aesthetic and magickal purposes, producing our own luscious non-violent silkmilk ink; or perhaps reclaiming is a more appropriate term -after all, Metamorphic Ritual Theatre co. (a vessel of The Order of ChAOS on the outer)- have been performing plays and rites about Pan and Arachne for years -this is their strange offspring...


At 9:50 PM, Blogger JiminyCricket81 said...

The spider and the goat...good grief....is this for real? I mean, I've heard of the sea-goat (the character that represents Capricorn, interestingly enough), but never the spider-goat.


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