e's Ventilation Terminal


Monday, December 18, 2006

States game

I must admit, I thought I would do a bit better than 83% my first time around. Without a book for cheating, see if you can actually place the mid-west states without any borders to guide you.

read more | digg story

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Future of Blogging

To the extent that I use this medium to put forth my voice in the world, I agree with the predictions associated in this article.  I am not by any means a "regular" blogger.  I started this column over a year ago with infrequent publications ranging from 2-3/week to 1/month.  As the article states, most people who would want to start a blog, already have.  This is good though.  If the excess amount of bloggers stop within this next year, the quality can only go up.  At the very least, you will have people blogging that really care and have something to say every once in a while.  Publishing to my blog isn't a full-time job.  Now the natural evolution of the blog will occur and we will begin
seeing small changes and tweaks that can only increase the content value.

Blogging 'set to peak next year'

The blogging phenomenon is set to peak in 2007, according to technology predictions by analysts Gartner.

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