e's Ventilation Terminal


Monday, April 09, 2007

Educate Your Audience

My title might be a little off the subject of the following article, but is seriously related. My goal as a music educator is not to prepare everyone to be the most fabulous and stunning musicians America has to offer, but to stir the public's interest and train our youth in musical taste and appreciation towards classical music and the concert hall. I can preach to you in person if you'd like. Read on about China. I've had the pleasure of studying in Hungary with a young female pianist from Shang-hai. She definitely fits the mold of the society described in this story. She was inspiring to say the least. Not to worry; I'm sure well turn it around. Someday.

Classical Music Looks Toward China With Hope

China has become a considerable force in Western classical music as the art form declines in Europe and the U.S.

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