e's Ventilation Terminal


Friday, January 25, 2008

Energy Blueprint

Usually I go at the world by posting about public domain and ranting/raving/questioning the data.  The question today is should I do that? Or better yet, where should I be spending my precious attention.  Now, I don't want to sound self absorbed.  Nay, I wake-up every day and propose this question, "What do I want to do?"  Right now, I have a choice (kind-of).  I am currently unemployed (full-time) and have some hours to spend doing whatever I want.  Where do I begin?  Should I watch a presidential debate?  I really want to, but then I remember that the primary isn't until AFTER Super Tuesday and by that time I won't have much of a choice.  Read the paper?  I love the paper!!! I begin to read it and become instantly disappointed in the material being presented 45% of the time.  Do I plan my wedding? I'd love to. Do I get a new job?  Why should I if I am enjoying my free time.  The funny thing is that I have been begging for this free time and now that I have it, I don't know what to do with it.  Granted, I haven't had a life full of work yet to be complaining, but when I taught full-time all I could do was dream for that winter day where nobody was around and I could relax, read, and contemplate.  As I look back to what I've accomplished, it doesn't amount to much and I realize I could be contributing elsewhere.  I could even spend my time writing, composing music, reading...NO!  I succumb to the box and the devil named PS2.  Whenever I do become inspired, which happens quite frequently, it's always in short bursts of whatever.  I'm not sad or mad; down and out.  I'm not even deserving of this predicament.  Just flustered and scared knowing that there are a ton of people probably thinking the same thing.  What could we all do together? 

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