Halloween isn't as big of a deal around Hungary. I see more importance with All Saint's Day in Europe. This is a 180 degree turnaroud from how and what we prioritize in the United States. I find this interesting not because I'm a practicing Christian (which currently I'm not), but because of a realization of different priorities. All shops are closed here and it is a major holiday. I always liked Halloween because of the darker, more playful attitude of the holiday. It was/is a nice break from all the seriousness of everyday life. The paranoia of most Americans daily agenda. My costume was devil horns.
Had a wonderful dinner at the Kecskemeti Csarda tonight. My favorite restaurant in Hungary. Excellent service, atmosphere, food, and of course wine. If it's one thing the Hungarians have over Americans, it's their taste in wine. I know the California regions are wonderful (I worked with a wine list of over 500 of them), but the homemade quality and care put into varietals you can't find anywhere else in the world is unbelievable. If anyone has visited the Csarda or Hungary and has had their own experiences with the wine, please post it here. If you plan on coming, the address is:
Megnevezés: Kecskeméti Csárda Kft.
CÃm: Kecskemét, Kölcsey u. 7.
Kapcsolattartó: Kulman Sándor
Telefonszám: 76/488-686
Nyitva tartás: H-V 11-23 h
Any suggestions on Hungarian wine would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking for web sites and specific directions/suggestions and where and what to buy. I'd like to create a collective of wine info for future travels and personal use. I'll be willing to share back as well.